A Simple Poem About You

Nikhil Srivastava
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2022


A poem by Nikhil Srivastava

Image by Gregor Ritter from Pixabay

One day, life became so difficult
that I wanted my poems
to become simpler for you.
Each and every bit of my love
I wrap around your bare body
to keep you away from cold
and tremors-
which this winter has posed upon you.
Hiding in the rustic bushes,
keeping you safe from the blinding lights
of this cruel city,
Surrounding my arms around you,
blowing kisses on your forehead,
making sure you don’t go through all this
Like salt mixes with water
I fall into you and get united,
in these hard times.
Running all along with you
on the thorny tracks, I ask you
to relay the pieces of your sorrow
to me, part them with me
to win them together.
I am waiting for the stars this night,
neither for the sunrise
nor for the sunset.
Maybe the sun
doesn’t seem to be a poetry for you and me
this time, together.
Someday, the life will become easy
then also, I promise
I will keep writing simple poems for you.

