I Am Sorry

Nikhil Srivastava
Published in
May 18, 2022


Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

I am sorry
that I stayed another night with you
Running on the edges of your body
It has become a marathon of my heart
I keep on losing every dawn.

I am sorry
that I have galloped the other side of the sun
Leaving all the darkness back again.
Curtains wide open and closed
I don’t know how this would end
but I am not happy to get back to the shivers
once again.
You are back to my poems
back to my chants
and songs
once again.

I am sorry
that I am making you read myself on a sadder note again
it has happened in the comforts of your mattress
and warmth of your arms
that I am getting used to my unusual sleep
once again.

